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During the Spring of 2020, some of our members signed up to collaborate with our Community Partners (Essex Historical Society, Essex Land Trust, Lower CT River Council of Governments and Sustainable Essex) to establish a new pollinator garden. This Club project focused on providing the design, selection of plants, installation, and maintenance support for the area behind The Pratt House. The space was transformed into two garden beds of approximately 500 square feet each, with some surrounding areas bringing the total pollinator space to roughly 1200 square feet. The garden was planted with 180+ plants of over 35 species with a focus on natives to support our native bees, birds and other pollinators.
The garden creates one more link in the Pollinator Pathway Northeast corridors being established across the state to help support the health of our native pollinators.
The Club continues its focus on conservation and being green by encouraging members to go organic and to introduce natives into existing plantings.
More information on how to participate in the efforts to bring back populations of native bees, birds and pollinators can be found at or on Facebook check out Pollinator Pathway East for more information on local activities in the Lower River Valley
To help at the Pratt House Pollinator Garden, email [email protected]
The garden creates one more link in the Pollinator Pathway Northeast corridors being established across the state to help support the health of our native pollinators.
The Club continues its focus on conservation and being green by encouraging members to go organic and to introduce natives into existing plantings.
More information on how to participate in the efforts to bring back populations of native bees, birds and pollinators can be found at or on Facebook check out Pollinator Pathway East for more information on local activities in the Lower River Valley
To help at the Pratt House Pollinator Garden, email [email protected]
Conservation Articles (with links)
- Ashes in the Garden
- Butterfly Host Plants
- A Citizen's Guide to Creating a Pollinator Habitat in Connecticut
- Connecticut Invasive Plant List by Scientific Name
- Connecticut Invasive Plant List by Common Name
- Ground Nesting Bees
- Healthy Yard Maintenance is Less Work!
- Proper Timing to Mow Native Plant Meadows
- Northeast Native Trees for Pollinators
- Protecting Pollinators from Pesticides
- Trees and Shrubs for Bees through the Season
- Water-Wise Gardening Strategies
- Wildflowers for Pollinators Through the Seasons
- Wildlife Conservation in the Garden
Other Conservation Websites (with links)